Saturday, 17 December 2011

My Christmas Card Decoration Ball....

I found this craft of the Martha Stewart web site and gave it a try.. they are super easy to make but time consuming if you don't have a circle cutter.. after cutting all the circles out I realized I did have a circle cutter... lol
Anyways the pictures shows how its done..  If you want to make them and are having trouble, leave a comment or check out Martha Stewart's web page.. 

I hung it on the tree next to the light bulb snowman I made...
Thanks for visiting..
God Bless.....

Thursday, 15 December 2011

My Laundry Soap...

I got this recipe on line.. but also from my daughter in law.. 
I used Zest Bar Soap.... 2 bars..
But don't use a bar of soap that has moistorizer ( spelled wrong, sorry ) in it..

Then I grated the soap... which I must say was easier than I thought..
I had my food processor all ready to grind it more fine but the Zest worked so much better than the home made bar I used before, that I bought at a farmers market..  That bar I had to put in my processor.. wasn't fine enough for me..  but the Zest worked great... 

This is what it looks like after I grated it.. 

Then I added 2 cups of Borax ( I doubled the recipe )
plus 2 cups of Arm and Hammer So Clean...
Both products I got at Soberys..

Mix the three ingredients together ...

Pour in mason jars or any other jar you would want to store your soap into... 

Just 2 Tablespoons to your laundry before you put your clothes in.. 
Does not make any soap residue on your clothes.. and your clothes do come out clean.. and smelling really nice..
This will last you way, way longer than the laundry detergent you buy in the stores..
and a lot less expensive.. 
I think I paid $5.99 for the Borax and $7.99 for the Arm and Hammer..
Or vise versa.. 
Try it and you will save tons of money.. 

Thanks for visiting my blog.. 
God Bless...

Monday, 28 November 2011

Decorations are up and while babysitting 3 boys, ages 1, 3 and 7 I am painting a POM bottle which is shaped like a snowman... I will insert lights and will post a picture when finished...
Ok this is weeks later and the POM bottle is a flop.. So I scratched the idea.. I painted the outside of the bottle instead of the inside and when I put the lights in.. It looked terrible.. Oh well... on to something else...

Saturday, 5 November 2011

What to do today..

Hubby is out metal detecting with a friend.. So I'm wondering if I should sweep floors and finish laundry.. Or get started on painting my bedroom or to head upstairs to the sewing room and get my quilt block done for the North Star Quilt Guild... OR sit with a nice cup of coffee and scan through Pinterest... Hmmm. Choices, choices...
By the way.. I got a nice plastic bottle that had POM juice in it..from a friend last evening the shape of a snowman.. She has a few more that she will pass on to me... Just needs paint and a hat and that's it.. Will probably put lights in it to make it glow..

Friday, 4 November 2011

My first post...

I am working on a Christmas gift therefore cannot show a picture as I'm sure this person for whom the gift is for will most likely follow me..
As of last evening though I did finish hand picking a beautiful patterned quilt and when I get it figured out how to post a picture on here, I will post one..
Not much quilting will get done today as I have a 1 year old boy and a 3 year old boy here for me to look after for the day.. Plus we three walk up to the school ( well, they're in the buggy and I do the walking and pushing.. Lol ) to pick up another 6 year old... And my hubby returns at noon from being away for the last three days... It will be tomorrow before I could get to my quilting...