Saturday 17 March 2012

My newest favorite music video..

I love this song... I wrote a song using his melody but changing the lyrics... for my mom whose been gone now for three years this March 23rd...
Okay, I"ll stop playing with my blog for now and get to my quilting..

A new day...

St. Patrick's day... I'm not Irish, at least I don't think so, so this day does not mean much to me in that regard, BUT this day means a lot to me today cause my son was born on this date 29 years ago...
He and his wife are expecting their first child, hopefully today.. She was due last Monday and we are all a little antsy for little Luke Thomas Martin to arrive so we can welcome him into this family of ours and into this big world...
As I write this, I am sitting on my garden swing in my pj's in my big back porch enjoying the sunshine..... It is warm and sunny and feels great.. As I look out into my back yard (floor to ceiling glass windows lets me see the whole back yard) I sit here contemplating my spring and summer garden plans.. For the first time in over 30 years ( not counting the 2 years I suffered with a bad back in 05/06 ) I will have the summer off from babysitting... And I won't say plan, cause sometimes that backfires, but God willing, I will work on my garden, go for nice long walks, do some reading, and especially do some quilting and maybe get some time in Moncton spent with my three grandchildren...
Come baby Luke, Nanny and Papa are anxiously waiting to see Gods miracle in your birth..
God Bless...

 My son Mitch and his wife Laura and Baby Luke..